Cannabis: CBD Versus THC
With the relatively recent legalization of cannabis in Canada, many people who previously had no interest in exploring what was classified as an illegal drug, are now open to becoming educated on the reality behind its many offerings and advantages.
At Canadabis, our goal is to ensure Albertans are equipped with a proper education surrounding the products we grow and the opportunities, dangers and differences that exist between, and within, each of them.
The biggest difference we would like to present here is that between the two natural compounds found in the plant: Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD).
The main difference between these two chemical elements is fairly straightforward: THC is psychoactive, while CBD is not.
Most people describe cannabis as a drug used by people to illicit psychoactive effects, but it also features other chemicals that provide different, often opposite, effects. While both CBD and THC can be found in cannabis, each unique strain rearranges their atoms in a variety of complex ways to produce widely different effects. The result is countless applications and combinations interacting with our endocannabinoid system differently, producing a wide-range of beneficial offerings that can address any number of real-world needs.
CBD versus THC
CBD The scientific benefits of CBD are still being explored today, but what we do know is that CBD, just like THC, causes a broad range of effects in our bodies by interacting with our CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors found in the endocannabinoid system.
CB1 receptors are located in the brain, and affect mood, pain sensors, appetite, memory, ET
CB2 receptors affect the immune system and respond to cannabis’ anti-inflammatory effects.
THC penetrates the brain, stimulating cells to release ‘dopamine’. The initial results of this release are typically reduced stress and an increase in happiness, relaxation and pain relief.
THC can also affect a person’s memory and ability to accurately perceive time, and in extreme cases can lead to hallucinations and delusional thinking. How THC affects your body and mind will be different for everybody, and usually takes between 10-20 minutes to reach its full effect (edibles can take longer).
Hopefully this gives you a basic understanding of the differences between CBD and THC. We recommend extensive research as a way to determine whether cannabis is the right product for your needs.